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Sunday, August 13, 2017

National youth program in Pahariya Karuwalagaswewa

National youth program in Pahariya Karuwalagaswewa remove the polithing and plastic. Participating wodap, nafso, national youth council with Karuwalagaswewa pradeshiya sada.
Image may contain: 3 people, outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree, crowd and outdoor

Thursday, August 3, 2017

National Youth Camp in Kalawewa, Anuraadapura, of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement

Sharing experiences of youth participated in the camp which was organized from 13th to 15th of July 2017 in Youth Training center in Vigithapura,  Kalawewa being participated  more than 62 youth participants  from Kurunegala, Galle, Matara, Kalutara, Puttlam, Polonnaruwa, Jaffna, Mannar,Ampara, Trincomale,Killinochchi and Gampaha districts representing the Youth Movement for Environmental and Better Social Change in Sri Lanka as well as there were some members representing the youth society of Philippine and France. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Dengue mosquitoes has been threatened all of Sri Lankans

 දිස්ත‍්‍රික්ක 12කට ඩෙංගු අධි වසංගත තත්ත්වයට පත්වෙයි
ඩෙංගු හේතුවෙන් මිනිස් මරණ 125ක් දක්වා වර්ධනය වේ.
ජලය රඳනා සෑම ස්ථානයක්ම පිරිසුඳුව තබැ ගැනීමෙන් මෙම තත්න්වය වලක්වා ගත හැකි වේ.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Exhibition on environmental protection comes a year after Laudato si’ (Video)

Exhibition on environmental protection comes a year after Laudato si’ (Video) Melani Manel Perera Sri Lanka’s largest Catholic movement of renewal in the Holy Spirit organised the event. Thousands of kids visited the three-day exhibit. Copies of the encyclical in the local languages were handed out. Colombo (AsiaNews) – A year after the publication of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si’ on the care of creation, Sri Lankan Catholics have renewed their commitment to environmental protection. Thousands of young people took part in the activities organised by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, Sri Lanka’s largest Catholic movement of renewal in the Holy Spirit, which organised an exhibition on the current challenges faced by the climate and the environment (see video). The event took place on 3-5 June in Sri Prasansaraamaya, Ragama, a suburb of Colombo. Delryn Wingaratne, member of the organising committee, told AsiaNews, "Our goal is to promote food that is free of toxins and a clean environment, as well as protect the land, water and food from chemical poisoning." According to Fr Daya Shelton Welikadaarachchi, "you have to start with the children. Children must be stimulated at school, in the family and in society. Parents must guide them and make them understand the importance of protecting the environment. Parents should tell them that the environment is a beautiful creation of God, that we must respect it and protect it for our children and future generations." Exhibit organisers set up various stands to show organic farming techniques, screened films, held short debates, and got people to sign a 14-point petition to be handed over to the government. The petition calls on the government to "protect our common home". At the same time, the group expects to see it become more involved with the international community. Ranjana Kaviratna, a member of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa’s organising committee, said she was happy that so many students came. "On the first day alone, about 2,000 kids saw the exhibit. The flow remained steadily high until the end. On Sunday, many students attending Sunday school came to deepen their knowledge of environmental issues. Either we protect our world, or we let it be destroyed." According to analysts, humans are the main factor in environmental degradation. In recent weeks, Sri Lanka saw the consequences of unfettered exploitation of the land, such as sand and rock mining as well as unregulated discharge of sewage. Sister Rose Jayasinghe, from the Convent of the Sacred Family in Boralessa, wants to "see respect for the environment taught in every school, from kindergarten to universities. What is needed is a real conversion, a new vision and a new spirituality in the field of ecology." Copies of the encyclical in local languages were handed out during the exhibit. On the last day, Fr Shelton gave a lecture on chapters 5 and 6 of Laudato si’ (on the ‘Lines of approach and action’ and ‘Ecological education and spirituality’), stressing that the world in which we live is God’s creation."
Source : http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Exhibition-on-environmental-protection-comes-a-year-after-Laudato-si%E2%80%99-%28Video%29-37759.html 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

NAFSO Stall for Environmental Day

පරිසරය සහ එහි වැදගත්කම විදහා දැක්වෙන ප‍්‍රදර්ශනය, ජූනි මස 03,04,05 යන දිනයන්හිදී, දියගල ප‍්‍රසංශාරාමයේදී පැවැත්විය. මුහුදු වෙරළ හා ධීවර පරිසරය දුෂණයෙන් සිදුවන විනාශය, හා සංරක්‍ෂණය කීරීමේ අවශ්‍යතාවය පිළිබඳ ප‍්‍රදර්ශන කුටිය, ජාතික ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ තරුණ අංශය මගින් ක‍්‍රියාත්මක කරණ ලදී.